Gift Guide for Pet Parents
|3 min read

By: Alyssa Gilbert, Content Creation Specialist at Wag’n Tails Mobile Conversions
There is nothing pet owners love more than gifts that involve their pets. Many pet owners love their fur babies more than anything so it only makes sense to gift them something they can practically use.
The gift ideas for pet parents are endless but we have narrowed it to a few ideas of what we think are the best gift ideas! Check it out below!
1.Merch of their pet
Pet owners love nothing more than the opportunity to talk about their pet and they have more of a chance of doing so if they have apparel or swag that represents their furry friend. Some ideas are crewnecks with the pets face on them like these. Anything customizable such as cups, bracelets, blankets, etc. that can special for that person and their pet.
2. Coordinating Outfits
Anytime you can match your pet and get a cute picture is a win! Especially if it allows for the opportunity to post it on Instagram and show off your pet. So matching sweaters or Pjs would be a win for a pet parent!
3. Pet Backpacks
Many people who love their pets also love taking their pets with them places. Taking an animal places requires bringing multiple things with you like food, water dishes, treats, toys, etc. and it can be a lot to bring/gather. Having a pet backpack like this can be helpful to have a bag designated to your pet that pet parents can just grab on the go.
4. Pet hair removal tools
Pet owners normally live in pet hair, so hair removal tools are especially helpful! Lint rollers can go a long way for clothes, and pet owners can never have enough. Along with a pet hair detailer for their car/house, something like this. Another thing that would be helpful is a vacuum cleaner intended for pet hair such as Roombas or Dysons.
5. Pet Experiences
Pet owners often love watching their pet enjoy new experiences like going to the beach, the dog park, etc. Finding an activity that you can provide an experience for the pet owner and animal would be a memory of a lifetime like dog yoga or tickets to a baseball game that allows pets.
6. Grooming Appointment
Prepaying for the pets’ next grooming appointment would be a big relief for a pet parent and allow them to enjoy a beautifully groomed animal that they didn’t have to pay for.
7. Car Accessories
Taking their pet places can involve pet hair everywhere buying a dog hammock for the car can keep the pet hair contained and is something that can easily be washed. This can be a great car accessory to keep a pet parents car looking clean.
As the number one leader in the mobile grooming industry and pet parents ourselves these are the gifts, we think would be great for the pet parent in your life based off our experiences. We hope this list leaves you with tons of ideas!
Jason Mills